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New member
Jan 21, 2023
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This is my very first post so allow me to introduce myself and a little background as to what brought me here. My name is Airian May. I'm 45 years old married with children living in beautiful and expensive Santa Barbara California in the USA. I was a ASE certified Master automotive technician for 20 years until I became temporarily paralyzed from a message infection in my spinal cord. After 7 years of learning how to do basics such as walking, I've been able to get back to what I love which is riding motorcycles. I took a 15 year pause on owning/riding motorcycles because of life and its demands but something was missing and I knew what it was. 2 years ago I bought a 02 Yamaha YZF-R1 and had it for less than 7 months when the wife was on my case to sell it because we needed some money. I reluctantly agreed but once we got over the financial crisis I immediately sought out another bike. This one was a 03yzfr1. It had been neglected and in need of TLC which was exactly what I had to offer. Slowly I brought that bike up to date in every way and I was proud of my accomplishments. But I'm always looking for another diamond in the rough and a project. I didn't have to look to far. 2 blocks from my house I spotted a new 2022 BMW S1000RR M .I have always loved that bike since it's release but it was clear that something was wrong with it so I took a closer look. Found out a guy with no riding experience had bought it brand new 2 weeks prior. He was driving around a corner too fast and went over the curb breaking both carbon fiber wheels and laying it down with minimal scuffs and a couple broken parts and a bone or two himself. I got in touch with him and we made a deal. So I am happy to announce that I am a happy new owner of a S1000RR M Series! Now I gotta fix it. Been on the web ordering the necessary parts which is the easy part. Here's where I need some of your help, replacing the broken wheels with a new set of $6,000 wheels is not an option for me. What other wheels can I put on it without any or little modifications? Different years and if so what years. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance
I have no advice for you on the wheels, but I'm sure someone will come along.
Welcome, and it's great to read that you are back on a bike after your setbacks. I had the chance to ride a few days in your area about 15 years back, beautiful country and roads once you get out of the cities.
Welcome. I presume you know that the other Gen 4 had 3 wheel options - Carbon, forged and cast, in descending price order - even if that descent is a fairly shallow angle, given it's BMW we're talking about :)

There was a recent thread started on the forum about swapping to wheels of previous generations of RR but nothing concrete re costs.
Just to clarify you have the first bike listed. Not the second?
1. S1000RR M = K67 / Gen 4 / White S1000RR
2. M1000RR = K66

If you're looking for options beyond the BMW offerings then easiest place to look is Alpha Racing;
And then locate a US based source of the recommended wheels.

But you probably should just look on eBay and pick up a set of nearly new rims either Forged or Carbon from a reputable seller.
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Welcome indeed! Well done on your find, I'm sure you'll have a great time with your acquisition once you've got her 'ship-shape and Bristol fashion' again.

Would love to have your SoCal weather over here right now, it was 19.4F (-7C) here south west of London last Monday morning with a thick layer of frost. I haven't ridden a bike since early December and I am going stir crazy....

Sorry that I can't help with advice on your wheel choices but RickS1K and Alex are very knowledgeable here and have made suggestions earlier in your thread, just wanted to pass on a welcome to you.

If you get 5 minutes, tell us about your favourite twisty rides nearby to your home so that we might close our eyes and imagine, give us some road names so we might look them up on Google Maps. Any good coffee bars to ride to in the hills on a Sunday morning?

Thanks for introducing yourself, welcome again, I know that you'll get a huge amount of value from hanging out here with everyone!

aka Mr Smooth